Thursday, March 2, 2017

3/2/17 Report - Bigger Surf This Weekend. Ancient Trails of America Discovered By Spanish Explorers. Archaeological Pub. HMS Victory Galley and Mess.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Source: See link below.

On August 26, 1776, after descending the eastern side of the Uncompahgre Plateau to the Uncompahgre River Valley, Father Francisco Silvestre Vélez de Escalante wrote, “In the meadow of this river … there is a very wide and well-beaten trail.”
Similarly, on Sept. 9, when the expedition he led with Father Francisco Atanasio Domínguez descended the north side of Douglas Pass, Escalante wrote that the group traveled nearly 30 miles “over a very well-beaten trail with only one bad stretch.”
Since very few Europeans had traveled this region prior to Dominguez and Escalante, it’s clear that these “well-beaten trails” were established by the natives who lived there. In 1776, that meant the Utes. But the trails were likely used by a variety of native people over the ages...

Having done some hiking in the area I couldn't help thinking how nice it would be to hike those ancient Indian trails.


The restoration of an historic pub on Falmouth's waterfront has led to some "remarkable" archaeological finds which has delayed the project.

St Austell Brewery are currently restoring and refurbishing the Chain Locker and builders have discovered that not only is the building older than first imagined, but some of the earliest features of the place are still in situ.

This includes an original earth and hair plaster-bounded wall, a timber partition wall featuring hand-painted wallpaper and a stone-built fireplace...

Here is the link for more about that.


Not too long ago I talked about galley bricks.  I just found this nice article about the galley of the HMS Victory.  Here is how it begins.

The galley provided the means for cooking hot food for all of the ships crew - at the time of Trafalgar, 821 men. The galley stove burned firewood (kept dry in its own store in the hold). Due to the risk of fire in a wooden ship, the galley fire was put out in rough weather or during action to prevent sparks or burning embers from setting light to the deck around the galley. Crews were often given a hot meal before being called to clear the ship for action - there was little knowing when the next hot meal might be able to be cooked. In rough weather, when the crews were often wet and cold, there was no respite from cold food.

The crew ate in groups of 8 to 12 men known as a 'mess'. These groups remained together throughout a voyage so the men became 'mess-mates'. Each day one man would take his turn as 'duty cook'. It was his responsibility to fetch the day's rations from the hold and to prepare the food for cooking. The prepared food was then taken along to the galley to be cooked (each mess marked its food with a metal tag). The galley cook was often a naval pensioner or wounded sailor - unable to perform the normal heavy shipboard tasks, he cooked the food for all the crew - a cook's pay substantially supplemented the poor pension given to a man wounded in battle. The duty 'mess cook' would then collect the food for his mess and carry it back to his mess-mates...

And here is the link for the rest of the article.


The Oak Island TV program brought in another expert to clean up the "spike" mess.  I expect her, after much study and deliberation, to declare it a shipwreck spike.

Don't know why they never had the board that they thought might be a deck plank dated?

There  was a fellow that used to be on a sitcom that is now a teacher who they were going to follow in the classroom to make a reality program out of it.  They dumped the idea because they said there wasn't enough drama.  Of course the producers are going to try to keep a program exciting to keep the ratings up.


Hope and change coming.  Looks like the weekend could get interesting.  Its about time.

Source: MagicSeaweed web site.
Happy hunting,