Friday, May 25, 2018

5/25/18 Report - Subtropical Storm Named Alberto. Snakes Worth Money. The Power of Ideas.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

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We now have a named subtropical storm.  It is the same system that I've been watching for a few days, and the name is Alberto, still down around the Yucatan but heading north towards the Florida Panhandle

I checked Ventusky this morning.  Here is what it showed for Monday the 28th at 8 AM.  

Remember, these are only predictions from one web site, and the predictions will undoubtedly change over the next few days.  The above suggests that the storm will make landfall around Monday.

I think we all remember Irma from last year and how unpredictable that one was.

You'll also notice from this prediction that the Treasure Coast probably won't be much affected by this storm unless things change dramatically.  At this point, it looks like we'll most likey only get south winds and a four foot surf at most.


There are a lot of things out there in nature that can cause problems for you.  Just this morning I got hit by some kind of nasty stinging weed, was buzzed but not stung by wasps, and yesterday I encountered a diamond back rattlesnake.  That was not an amusing surprise.

If you are in the briars, weeds and brush a lot where such things might live, you might consider getting a good pair of snake boots or snake chaps.

It seems like I see a lot of coral snakes.  They are venomous too.  I"m told that you can get $1200 for coral snakes that will be used to produce anti-venom.  Now don't go running out to catch coral snakes unless you really know what you are doing.

I'm reminded of the time when I saw a large python crawling along the dunes of the beach very near the Flagler pier.  That was a sight, but that didn't bother me nearly as much as being surprised by a rattler's warning.

One time when about to start on a trail in El Dorado Canyon, I spotted a snake coiled on a rock just up ahead.  Not being a snake lover, I stopped in my tracks and didn't approach.  I threw a stone, which sailed well over the snake's head   The snake didn't move.  I threw another stone, and although it was a little closer, the snake still didn't move.  The third stone hit on the big rock very close to the snake, but again, no response.  Now I'm suspicious.  I'm wondering whats up with that snake?

Then a lady comes  down the path towards me and right past the snake like she didn't even notice it.  I asked her what kind of snake it was.  She said, "Its a sculpture."

It was!  It was a stone snake.  On the other side of the big rock by the sculpture was a big sign warning that there might be rattlesnakes on the trail.  But the snake that stopped me before I even got started was a sculpture.  It wasn't really the snake that stopped me, it was my mistaken idea.

I've used that personal true story as an illustration many times.  It is not unusual to be stopped by fears or concerns.  It is not unusual to be stopped by perceptions, even if they are not totally accurate.  If you think of it, your perceptions and ideas control you even more than reality. Ideas determine feelings and behaviors - not events.

Some people are more successful than others.  People who are not very successful tend to blame everything other than themselves.  They sometimes blame their circumstances when they should be looking within.

In treasure hunting, you're lucky when you have a bunch of facts to guide you.  Very often you're dealing mostly with theories, guesses or hunches.

As important as it is to objectively examine the world, it is just as important to examine and test your own beliefs.  Your ideas can hold you back or help you succeed.

Many problems are opportunities in disguise.  They are just waiting to be solved.

Happy hunting,