Wednesday, December 25, 2019

12/25/19 Report - Merry Christmas: Art of Treasuring. Princely Bronze Age Treasures Discovered. Seagrape Trail.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Source: link below.

(CNN) Archaeologists in Greece have discovered two "princely" Bronze Age tombs containing engraved gold jewelry and other artifacts.

The discovery of the beehive-shaped tombs, which date from 3,500 years ago, sheds new light on life in ancient Greece, the team behind the excavation said...

During an 18-month excavation, the archaeologists unearthed objects such as a gold ring engraved with two bulls surrounded by sheaves of grain, as well as a gold pendant depicting an Egyptian goddess who protected the dead...

Here is the link for more about that.  

Thanks to SuperRick for that link.


Super Viral YouTube Video You Must See If You Haven't Already.
Here is the link.

So what does that have to do with metal detecting, you might ask.  It is the essence.   The video teaches an important lesson.  Treasure doesn't have to be gold or silver.  It doesn't even have to be worth much of anything.  Treasure is different things to different people.  Treasure can come in many different forms.  No matter what the form, the important thing is that it gives joy.  Some people find treasure everywhere.  Others can't find it anywhere - even if you dump a pile of it in their lap.  Instead of joy, they turn to selfish greed, suspicion, anxiety, fear and anger, and are more bitter and sour than before.

I call it the art of treasuring.  Some people have it and others don't.  You can treasure family, other people, experiences, memories, coins, sea glass, fossils or shells - and even bananas.


Seagrape Trail Beach on 12/24/19
Photo by DJ.
DJ said that with the exception of one low spot, it was sandy.

You can probably see the low spot just above the center of the photo.   That is an area where shell piles often occur, and where you can sometimes find shark teeth.

Thanks for the report DJ.



It was raining on the Treasure Coast earlier.

It looks like we'll have some pretty good surf today.

I MIGHT get out to see one or two beaches for a short time.


Use treasure as a verb as often as a noun.  When "treasure" is a verb, the power is in the person.

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 


Wishing you once again a great Christmas.
From the