Sunday, December 29, 2019

12/29/19 Report - 2019 Reviewed. Mostly About Storms and Finds. Prosecution for Object Found in Garden.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Well, one more year coming to a close. It seems not that long ago I was sitting here writing the first post of 2019.  Now it will be one of the last.

Overall, it wasn't the most productive of years, either in the water or on the beach.  There were finds, as always.  And there was excitement - not all of it good.

2019 actually started out pretty good.  We had some good erosion, and I issued a "3" beach conditions rating on my January 28 report.  A couple days later (February 2), I posted the many shipwreck finds made on the beach by Jonah M.

The next highlight was the gold mystery find made by Terry S. reported in my post of April 2.   We had a few days of good discussion on that topic.

The next highlight was the gun parts found by Will R.  Will found an encrusted barrel which he was able to reconstruct by making a mold.  That was detailed in my 6/25 post.

Then came the big excitement that was followed by a big let down.  Hurricane Dorian looked like it might be the worst storm to ever hit the Treasure Coast, but after threatening for what seemed like days on end, turned away and left us little changed, except for all the beach closures.  You can relive that by rereading my 9/1 - 9/5 posts.  I kept everybody up to date on what was going on, sometimes multiple updates during the day.  Those posts were read by hundreds of people.

Few finds were reported after all the Dorian excitement, but one Potosi reale find attracted a lot of attention (9/10 post).

Then there were a lot of storms in the Atlantic, including Humberto, Jerry, and Imelda to name a few, but they didn't do much for us on the Treasure Coast (9/18 post, for example).

Here are the most read posts of the year.  There is a definite skewing towards the beginning of the year.  People continue to read old posts as well as the new ones.

Most of the most read posts usually come from the beginning of the year, but this year all of the Dorian excitement resulted in a lot of blog activity in September.  Of the ten most read posts of 2019, there were two from January, two from February, one from April and five from September. The top three posts of the 2019 were posted in September when everybody was closely following Dorian.

Top Ten  Most Read Blog Posts of 2019
(descending order)

1/24 Controversial Incan Funerary Mask(?) from Treasure Coast


The following was reported in 2010.  

A woman who found a 700-year-old silver 'coin' whilst digging in her garden as a child has become the first in the country to be convicted of failing to hand in suspected treasure. 

Kate Harding, 23, was prosecuted under the Treasure Act after she ignored orders to report the coin-like artefact to a coroner...

Here is the link.

I think there have been more justified prosecutions.  I have a hard time with someone being prosecuted for something they found as a child in a garden and kept as a memento.  I don't know the entire situation, but that is how it feels to me.


The surf is decreasing and will be low for at least a few days.

Happy hunting,