Saturday, September 10, 2016

9/10/16 Report - Three Tropical Disturbances. One Very Near and One Heading This way. Cob With Two Very Different Sides. Scarce Half Reales.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

We have three systems to watch now.  The one that shows the most immediate potential (red) seems to be heading well out to sea.  That could change, of course.

The system shown in yellow appears to be heading right at us.  It has a 10%  chance of becoming a cyclone in the next two days .Of course, it could strengthen.

The one just south of us an north of Cuba has a 20% chance of becoming a cyclone in the two few days.

That is a lot of nearby action.  It could get interesting very soon.


Yesterday I was talking about cobs that have much better detail on one side than the other.  Here is an example that came from Jupiter Beach.  The crust shown below was very hard and fused to the surface. It was nearly impossible to remove mechanically.

Half Reale Showing Crust Covered Side As Found.
Below is the other side of the same cob.

Same Half Reale As Found .
Due to lighting, the side shown immediately above had even less corrosion than appears to be the case in the picture.  Yet the details on this side were not much better than what is shown above.  That is pretty much how it looked after cleaning.

Below is the crust-covered side after the crust was removed using Muriatic acid.  Very sharp details - almost like mint I would think.  The other side was not nearly that nice.

Crusty Side After Cleaning.
Other cobs show no detail on one side and near complete detail on the other.  I might show an example of that in a day or two.


Here is a interesting paragraph from Odyssey Marine Paper 30.

As stated, an initial study of the Tortugas shipwreck’s silver coins lists a single ½ reale coin from the Mexico mint (Flow, 1999: 88), but the report contains no corroborating photograph. Although ½ and ¼ reale denominations were produced intermittently throughout the Spanish Colonial period, there is no record of either having been recovered from the Nuestra SeƱora de Atocha or the Santa Margarita. If the attribution is not erroneous (bearing in mind the potential for substantial metallic erosion within the marine environment), and a single ½ reale coin was indeed recovered from the Tortugas shipwreck, like most of the gold coins on these shipwrecks it would have functioned as the pocket money of an individual and would be one of the most rare coins in the 1622 collections.


There are definitely a couple weather systems that could affect us now.

Happy hunting,