Tuesday, January 17, 2017

1/17/17 Report - Florida More Than 50% Chance of Hurricane in 2017. How Metal Detecting Is Something Like Battleship Game.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Predictions for 2017.
Source: See link below.

According to predictions, the state of Florida has a 51% chance of a hurricane hitting in 2017, and a 21% chance of a major hurricane.

Here is the link.



Some people say there is no way to tell where things are going to be found when salvaging shipwreck treasure.  They talk as if the shipwreck remains are distributed randomly.  That isn't the case.  You might where you will find any each and every item, but it is not random either.  And you might not know how things ended up being where they were found, but there is a reason they ended up where they did.

The people who salvage shipwrecks as a business try to understand things like how a ship came apart, where it hit the reef and which direction the wind was blowing when it wrecked.  They study charts like the one shown below to see where holes have been blown and what was found at each location. They wouldn't study such things if they didn't think it would help.

It reminds me of the game Battleship.  That is a game where one player places his ships on a grid, and the other player selects grid locations attempting to hit the other player's ships.

When you try to hit the other fellow's ships, you might start out with a random selection, but when you finally make a hit, you have some information and your next selection won't be random - at least not if you make use of the information you gained.

In the game, when you get a hit at one location, you know that the rest of the same ship must be at an adjacent grid location. That is because the hit gives you information that tells you that the adjacent locations have a higher probability of being where you will find more of the same ship.

It isn't exactly the same with treasure salvage.  There isn't always an adjacent location that will also contain an item,  You still have a better chance of finding something good when you excavate near a good find than if you picked a random location anywhere in the sea.  It is about probabilities.

There is almost always some type of clustering when it comes to metal detecting.  While an individual item might show up anywhere and have no particular known relation to any other object, generally speaking there will be clustering.

If you look at the chart above showing holes and coded to show what type of object was in each hole, you'll notice that both holes and colors are sometimes clustered.  People use that kind of information to figure out where to dig next.

You don't find ballast rocks randomly distributed over miles of ocean, for example.  There will more than likely be a pile somewhere.  And other heavy items will likely be with the pile, such as cannons or heavy silver bars.  That might be partly because they were stored in the same part of the ship.

There are principles that determine where things will end up.  There are a variety of factors.  That is what makes it complicated.

There is also clustering of items in wet sand areas, whether they are ancient or more modern.  The water will shift and sort things over time.

The longer an item is in a high energy environment, the more it will be sorted.  As a result the pattern will become more defined.  That is how coin lines and coin holes are formed.

There is also clustering of new drops in the dry sand.  Those items have not been affected by Mother Nature, but they are clustered by human nature.   People congregate together and lose items where they congregate.  People participate in different types of activities - volleyball, for example.  More items are lost on volleyball courts than in wide stretches of sand where nothing much takes place.  Furthermore, more items can be found at certain areas on and around volleyball courts.

Since things are not generally randomly distributed, your search should not be random.  The more you understand about how items were lost and the forces that might have acted on them after they were lost, the more you will find, as long as you spend the time.


The surf is now down to 2 - 3 feet and will continue to decrease for a few days.

Happy hunting,