Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Find and photo submitted by James F.
Just because a site doesn't appear to be old doesn't mean it isn't.
A few days ago I mentioned how sites often have older layers under them. The same things that make them attractive now were also found attractive by people in times past.
The 1879 penny was found in a trench being dug for a drainage pipe. I'll elaborate on that some time.
James wasn't expecting much from this park except maybe some newer items, but he was told by a guy he met in the park that the area was used as a park way back to near the Civil War period.
You can sometimes get some good tips from people you just happen to meet.
The wreck of a British merchant ship that was torpedoed by a German U-boat off Cape Cod during World War II has been found. It is thought to have hold a cargo of platinum bars worth more than $3 billion and other precious items.
Here is the link to that story.
Of course various parties are lining up to claim the
Thanks to Don B. for the link.
Artifacts dealer Christopher Kortlander is trying to regain possession of war bonnets, medicine bags and other items confiscated during government raids on his privately-operated Custer museum. Although the government has failed to prove its case against Kortlander, it has not returned all of the confiscated items and has not made restitution for damages and abuse.
Here is the link to that story.
By the way, the year the penny was minted (1879), is only three years after the battle of Little Big Horn.
I added a new poll to the blog. Take a look. It will give us a good idea about what people have been finding.
Treasure Coast Treasure Beach Conditions and Forecast
Well the front passed through and we're back to southeast winds again.
I'm giving a beach conditions rating of 1 (poor).
That rating could change soon though. Although seas are now down around two feet, it will start building Friday, and, according to current predictions, will get up to around six feet on Saturday. That could result in further erosion to those spots that were eroded a few days ago.
Time will tell.
Happy hunting,