Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2/21/12 Report - Conditions Report & Video

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.

One Old Cut On the Treasure Coast This Morning.

This is the remains of a cut that was made a week or so ago. Since then it has filled in some.

There is a bunch of mushy sand at the bottom of the cut.

The recent high tide was doing nothing other than wetting the front of the old deteriorated cut this morning.

The cut was originally over three feet high.

A New Cut on the Treasure Coast This Morning.

Unlike the one above it is new. Still not worth much.

There is mushy sand in front of this one too.

This cut is a foot or less. It could possibly develop a little more, but not enough to be very interesting.

Here is a good HD video of the renourishment project at the Fort Pierce inlet.

It shows the sand being pumped onto the beach, being spread by a Caterpillar. Also the crane and associated boats.

Use the BACK arrow to return to the blog when done viewing the video.


How many months will this sand remain in place? Probably no more than the few months the last renourishment lasted.

I heard this sand is coming from off-shore about five miles south of the inlet. That could be interesting, but I haven't seen any evidence of exactly where it is being obtained.

They are just at the beginning of this project.

This mornings look at the beach wasn't real promising. I'm sticking with my 1 beach conditions rating.

Well, I'm going to leave it at that for today. Blogger doesn't seem to be working to well today.

I hope you take a look at the video. It was made with a new HD Flip Cam.

Happy hunting,