Monday, November 15, 2010

11/15 Report - Diminishing Seas

Beach at Rio Mar This Morning.

I've been busy with other things and didn't get out to see the beaches yesterday. I did get a peek at two Indian River County beaches this morning.

Above is Rio Mar. As you can see, it is not good at all.

The other beach that I got a look at this morning was Corrigan's. Nothing much good there to report on either other than a decent slope to the front beach and a little scalloping.

It just goes to show once again that it takes more than rough seas to cause cuts. From what little I've seen it looks like nothing much happened and I didn't miss much yesterday. I'll hold off on giving a rating until I get a chance to see a little more.

Beach at Turtle Trail This Morning.

According to the surf web sites the seas will diminish for the next few days before increasing again. I'm not encouraged at all at this point. It seems that very little happened to the beaches this weekend, but then again, I didn't see all of them.

A couple of days ago, I showed the cut just south of Fort Pierce inlet. Below the cut the beach was pretty steep. Working a steep beach requires a few additional precautions. When you dig a coin or gold ring you have to be careful that the item does not roll down the incline to disappear into the surf. It does happen. At least it has happened to me. Good thing I'm experienced at working the roughest surf to refind things like that. It can be difficult.

Here's another little tip. When the surf is rough, you can diminish the annoying splashing by lifting one leg as the surf comes up on you. Do the flamingo stance. If you have both legs planted on the ground you'll get much more water splashing up on you.

And if you sometimes empty your scoop on the ground to separate or look for the dug item, be careful that the next wave doesn't move the item down the slope and into the surf. When the wave comes up you can put your foot over the object to hold it in place until the surf recedes. Keep your coil moving over it so you can track it if it does move.

Always watch how the waves more your objects when they do. You'll learn how objects are moved up and down the beach by observing that.

Happy hunting,